NCD Books & Tools

The Latest Releases

Facing the relevance crisis of Christianity by focusing on a biblical reality that has never been deemed relevant, or even understood, by the West: While the three volumes on “God’s Energy” are textbooks that introduce a new theological pradigm, “God Is Indestrucible” has been designed for a wider audience. It presents brand-new research on the state of Christianity and outlines 12 practical ways of how to creatively address the challenges described.

Introduction to NCD Process

The net results of the worldwide research that NCD International has conducted throughout the past 25 years. All publications are committed to separate fact from fiction, in order to secure a reliable basis for strategic planning.

NCD Discipleship Resources

For each of the “quality characteristics” of healthy churches one book that helps individuals increase the quality in their heads, hands, and hearts. Each of these books is connected to one major assessment tool.


Immediately accessible online tests for a wide range of areas that are crucial for personal growth. The results of an eTest give you a precise description of your present strengths and weaknesses. The number of available eTest versions is constantly enlarged.

NCD Implementation Tools

Studying a book is not the same as implementing its contents within your sphere of responsibility. All Implementation Tools of NCD are targeted at bringing about visible fruit, manifested in qualitative and quantiative increase.

The Theology behind NCD

Success starts with proper understanding. All practical NCD tools are based on a solid theological foundation that features a decidedly interdenominational paradigm targeted at meeting the challenges of the third millennium.
