
The 3 Color World has now become Natural Character Development.

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Invest 8 hours of your time—and start a viral movement of transformation

Be energetic in your life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before God. That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give Him the most pleasure.

Watch the 5 minute NOW! video to catch the vision, learn how this vision can change your world, how you will personally benefit—and what you can contribute to making this happen.

Eight hours to transform your world!

Every participant commits to eight sessions: four in which they receive the training, and four in which they share what they have learned, with at least two more people. Each session of receiving is followed by a session of sharing in the following week.

The three keys of the process

energy transformation

energy transformation

You will learn to ask faith-building questions resulting in a new interpretation of reality, which brings the presence of God into your own reality. It is like a windmill that transforms God‘s energy (“the wind”) into a form of energy that you can use for God‘s purposes.

multiplication of multipliers

multiplication of multipliers

What is the true fruit of an apple tree: An apple? Or another apple tree? You will learn to see the seed in the fruit, and the fruit in the seed—and will be empowered to launch a viral process of multiplication.

ongoing growth

ongoing growth

You will learn to make ongoing growth a habit. In the context of the process, the terms change, improvement, discipleship, growth, maturity, and becoming-more-Christlike, are basically synonyms.

Your God-given energy

dial image

You will discover the unique spiritual energy available to you right now.

Your NOW! Tree

dial image

Watch the growth of your part of the NOW! movement and the branches around you.

Ready to join the NOW! process?

By clicking the start button, you will apply for the NOW! training provided by a trainer who is already part of the process. The only requirements for you to apply are the following:

  1. Curiousness to learn and to work on yourself
  2. Willingness to invest 8 hours of your time
  3. Commitment to pass on the training to at least two more people